Scroll To TopLabs and Learning
Azure-links (GitHub)
GitHub repository with nice collection of links to Microsoft Azure and M365 resources.
Azure Citadel
A community driven site devoted to getting hands on & learning Azure
Cisco dCloud
Cisco demo environments & sandbox
Cisco Packet Tracer
Powerful network simulation platform
LinkedIn Learning for Microsoft Azure
Microsoft AI Demos
Dive in to interactive demos that showcase a selection of the capabilities of the Microsoft AI platform.
Microsoft Customer Digital Experiences (login)
Demos - Customer Immersion Experience - Labs
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Microsoft Defender ATP Demos
Demo scenarios to help you learn about the capabilities of Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Microsoft Hands-on Demos
Use hands-on demos to keep your customers up-to-date on the latest Azure technologies and service offerings.
Microsoft Learn
Microsoft Self-paced Labs
Microsoft Hands-on Labs
Office 365 CISO Workshop Training
Pluralsight - Free Microsoft Azure Courses
Free Microsoft Azure Courses
Pluralsight - Online training for almost everything IT!
Click link for 15% discount on annual plan
Skylines Academy
Azure study materials and references (FREE)
Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL)
Cisco's powerful, easy-to-use, and extensible network modeling and simulation environment
Windows and Office Deployment Lab Kit