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DLP is for “Honest” Employees, Not Inside Threats

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools are very effective for addressing the challenges they are intended to address: data governance & regulatory compliance; specifically to help prevent data leakage and inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information.

DLP should not be considered a primary security solution or “data firewall”, but it does play an important role in any defense in depth security program. If an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), or a highly-motivated disgruntled employee, is determined to deliberately subvert company policy, DLP can provide detection for initial non-veiled attempts. Beyond that, it has specific limitations as a pure security control.

Bypassing DLP Protection

Here is a real-world example of bypassing DLP protections using a technique called steganography. The image below contains highly sensitive personal, Protected Health Information (PHI), and financial info (sample data only, NOT real), but is undetectable to virtually all DLP systems. The sensitive data is stored inside the image’s binary data and can easily be inserted into an email, as part of the email signature or attachment, or as a watermark within a document.

Follow these steps to view the sensitive data. 

  1. Right-click and save the image file containing sensitive data above to your desktop
  2. Open a browser and go to this website:  Steganography Online
  3. Click the Decode tab
  4. Click Choose File, browse to the file you saved in step #1
  5. Click the Decode button
  6. Review the secret/sensitive data


But you don’t have to take my word for it…

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